Monday, July 30, 2007

Scenes from something resembling real life...

So there I was, at the Tim Horton's coffee shop, sitting at the table drinking coffee and leaching off the nearby Wifi hotspot.

The staff couldn't quite believe their eyes.

Real me
Sitting in a real Tim Hortons
Drinking Real Coffee

looking at a laptop where
Virtual me
was sitting in a virtual Tim Hortons
drinking virtual coffee.


Anonymous said...

Cab you be absolutely sure it was that way around?

Did your avatar feel like it was being watched?


Was the SL coffee any good or did it fail to rez?

Wildcat said...

The coffee was okay, but I couldn't rez a donut... mind you, the donuts I wanted I couldn't buy because they were out of stock...

But who knows; my avatar always feels like she's being manipulated by forces she can't perceive - rather like I do.

*shivers* Now something is calling me to work.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever seen this commercial, Untameable? ;-)

Wildcat said...

I hadn't, but it doesn't surprise me, there've been a few interesting videos that made fun of SL in the last few months.

My personal favourite is which will be very very familiar to all SL players.